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January 6, 2014


The E-Rate Central News for the Week is prepared by E-Rate Central. E-Rate Central specializes in providing consulting, compliance, and forms processing services to E-rate applicants. To learn more about our services, please contact us by phone (516-801-7804), fax (516-801-7810), or through our Contact Us web form. Additional E-rate information is located on the E-Rate Central website.

The FY 2014 application window opens this Thursday, January 9, 2014, at noon EST, and will close on Wednesday, March 26, 2014 at 11:59 p.m. EDT.

Wave 33 for FY 2013 will be released on Wednesday, January 8, 2014, for $87.0 million. Funding is currently being provided for Priority 1 services only. Cumulative funding for FY 2013 will be $1.71 billion.

As we start the New Year, it is worthwhile to look back on the old year and to think ahead to the new one. Here’s our E-rate review of 2013 and a preview of 2014. Additional details on 2013 developments, including links to the various FCC dockets, can be found in our E-Rate Weekly News archive.

Key E-Rate Milestones in 2013:

  • Former Senator Olympia Snowe (D-ME) retired as planned at the end of her term, and Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) announced plans to retire at the end of 2014 when his current term expires. Both Snowe and Rockefeller were the major supporters of the E-rate provisions in the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
  • The FCC sent a letter to USAC approving a number of cost savings proposals to modify certain “exception” procedures and to further streamline review procedures on smaller Priority 1 applications. Results of the latter changes were seen later in the spring when a number of small FY 2013 applications were approved in the first few funding waves without first requiring inquiries to applicants.
  • The SLD announced that it was beginning a process to update its information technology systems “to improve operational efficiencies and to enhance the customer experience.”  As a part of this process, the SLD formally requested comments from both applicants and service providers.
  • The FCC took the first step in revising all E-rate forms by requesting comments on draft versions of Form 472 (“BEAR”), Form 473 (“SPAC”), Form 474 (“SPI”), and their associated instructions.
  • FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski and Commissioner Robert M. McDowell both announced their resignations from the Commission.
  • USAC announced that the FCC had instructed it to begin issuing automatic invoice deadline extensions, effective for FY 2012 FRNs. Normally invoice deadlines are set 120 days after the last date to receive service, typically June 30th for recurring services and September 30th for non-recurring services. Thus the normal invoice deadline for FY 2012 recurring services is October 28, 2013. For non-recurring services, the deadline is January 28, 2014. Under the new procedure, applicants or service providers missing these invoice deadlines will be automatically granted a full one-year extension to October 28th or January 28th, respectively, of the following year.
  • The FCC released a Public Notice (DA 13-592) seeking comments on the eligibility of bundled components, specifically mobile devices bundled with cellular service and telephone handsets bundled with managed VoIP service. As of the current date, the FCC has not ruled further on this issue — presumably meaning that free or heavily discounted devices may be bundled into otherwise eligible service packages without cost allocation, at least through FY 2014.
  • USAC released its preliminary estimate of FY 2013 demand showing an overall decrease from FY 2012 of 5%, but an increase of 17% in the total demand for Priority 1 and at the 90% level for Priority 2. By our estimates, full funding of Priority 2 applications at the 90% level would require roll-over funds of $1.5–1.6 billion.
  • Based on USAC’s Federal Universal Service Support Mechanisms Fund Size Projections for Third Quarter 2013, the FCC announced (DA 13-1119) the carry-forward of $450 million of funds into FY 2013. As of now, no funding has been made available in FY 2013 for Priority 2 at any discount level.
  • President Obama nominated Tom Wheeler to be the next Chairman of the FCC, replacing Julius Genachowski. Mr. Wheeler’s nomination was not confirmed until November.
  • Funding Waves 1 and 2 for FY 2013 were released on May 29th, over a month ahead of FY 2012’s delayed first wave.
  • President Obama outlined his new ConnectED initiative. According to a fact sheet released by the White House, the key objectives of the initiative are:
    • Upgraded connectivity to serve 99 percent of America’s students with at least 100 Mbps within five years.
    • Level the playing field for rural students.
    • Training teachers.
  • Former Representative Edward Markey (D-MA) was elected to the Senate to replace former Senator John Kerry, now Secretary of State. While in the House, now Senator Markey had been the primary proponent of the E-rate program. His election will provide ongoing Senate E-rate support when Senator Jay Rockefeller (D, WV) resigns at the end of this term.
  • The FCC released a draft of the proposed Eligible Services List (“ESL”) for FY 2014 (DA 13-1513) containing only a few clarifications.
  • The FCC released a major Notice of Proposed Rulemaking — dubbed the E-Rate 2.0 NPRM (FCC 13-100) — to modernize the E-rate program. The initiative deals with increased broadband capacity, cost-effective purchasing, streamlined program administration, and other outstanding issues. See, in particular, our newsletters of August 5th, August 12th, August 19th and September 2nd.
  • A new version of the Form 472 (or BEAR Form) became effective July 21st, but initially could be filed only on paper. The new online BEAR, which required significant system changes, became available later in August.
  • The initial round of comments on the E-Rate 2.0 NPRM was due September 16th. Over 800 comments were filed, including almost 200 that were over two pages in length. Links to some of the more important comments were included in our newsletters of September 16th and September 23rd.
  • The SLD began its annual fall applicant training workshops, focusing on the revised set of E-rate forms. Two issues arising during discussion, and clarified later in October (see our newsletter of October 21st), included a broader definition of “RFP” for Form 470 purposes and the ineligibility of the receipt of similar services from two or more providers.
  • USAC, for which funding is not affected by tax appropriations, remained open during the government shutdown, but the FCC was closed for the duration.
  • The deadline for reply comments on the E-Rate 2.0 NPRM, initially due in October, was rescheduled to November 8th. Over 450 additional comments and reply comments were filed by that date.
  • The Senate confirmed the nominations of Thomas Wheeler as the new Chairman of the FCC and of Michael O’Rielly as the fifth Commissioner.
  • The revised version of the Form 470 became effective late in the afternoon of December 19th. The major change was the combining of Telecommunications and Internet Access services into a single Priority 1 services category.
  • The SLD announced that the FY 2014 application window would open on January 9, 2014, and will close on March 26, 2014. Applications must be submitted on the revised Form 471.
  • Three other E-rate form revisions — Form 479, Form 486, and Form 500 (see below) became effective December 30th.

Anticipated E-Rate Developments in 2014:

The most important E-rate developments we expect in 2014 — or at least hope for — will involve new rules and/or clarifications from the FCC. Unfortunately, many of the pending issues are the same as those on the list we published last year in our 2012 annual review.

The most immediate issue of concern to high discount applicants is the availability of Priority 2 funding for FY 2014. Although a final decision on FY 2013 has yet to be made, it appears that this will be the first year in the program’s history that no Priority 2 funding — at any level — will be available. With the demand for Priority 1 funding expected to increase again for FY 2014, the prospects for Priority 2 funding next year looks equally bleak — unless something changes.

That “something,” however, may depend upon the subsequent FCC orders coming out of the E-Rate 2.0 NPRM — a process that, at least in part, would have to be dramatically accelerated to affect FY 2014. For the most part, we expect NPRM-related changes to take effect first in FY 2015 or FY 2016.

The biggest potential “game-changer” in all this is the possibility of increased E-rate funding. While broadly discussed, particularly in many E-Rate 2.0 comments, additional funding does not appear to be a fast track issue within the FCC.

Several other issues from last year’s list, on which public comments have already been received, include:

  1. Further clarification on the Lowest Corresponding Price rules.
  2. The eligibility of bundled end-user equipment.
  3. Clarification on the “educational purpose” criterion as it applies to remote VPN equipment.
  4. Reform of the USF contribution system, affecting both E-rate and the other three Universal Service funds.

This should be a very interesting year for E-rate. We wish all the best for the New Year!

Form 470 Deadline:

Applicants, who have not already done so, should do themselves a favor and file their Form 470s for FY 2014 as early as possible in the New Year.

Technically, this year’s deadline for filing a valid FY 2014 Form 470 and/or RFP is February 26, 2014. However, waiting until the deadline leaves no room for error. Since a Form 470 must be posted for 28 days, a February 26th filing would mean that on March 26th the applicant would have to:

  • Select vendors
  • Sign contracts, if required
  • File a Form 471 — the final day of the FY 2014 application window!

Applicants filing Form 470s on paper are reminded to use the revised version indicated by the “December 2013” date in the bottom right-hand corner. A type-in PDF version of the revised Form 470 is available in E-Rate Central’s Forms Rack.

Form 486 Deadlines:

Typically, a Form 486 must be filed no later than 120 days from FCDL issuance or the start of service, whichever is later. Assuming services started July 1, 2013, the deadlines for FY 2013 funding waves 1-16 have already passed. The remaining Form 486 deadlines for January are:

                      Wave 17                01/09/2014
                      Wave 18                01/16/2014
                      Wave 19                01/23/2014
                      Wave 20                01/30/2014

Form 486s filed on paper on or after December 30th must use the revised “December 2013” version (see SLD News Brief discussion below). A type-in PDF version of the revised Form 486 is available in E-Rate Central’s Forms Rack.

The SLD News Brief for January 3, 2014, discusses the release of new versions of Form 479, Form 486, and Form 500. The revised forms became effective, and must be used, on or after December 30th. The paper versions of the revised forms may be identified by the “December 2013” date in the bottom right-hand corner of each page. The online version of the Form 486 has been updated and is already in use. Type-in paper versions of the new forms are available in E-Rate Central’s Forms Rack.

Please note the following:

Form 479:

This is a special form used by consortium members to certify CIPA compliance to their consortium leader. As such — and unlike any other E-rate form — it is filed with the consortium leader, not with USAC. By collecting Form 479s from its members, the consortium leader is then able to file a Form 486 with USAC certifying CIPA compliance on behalf of all its members.

Except for some minor clarifications in the CIPA certifications, the revised version of the Form 479 is unchanged from the earlier “April 2007” version. Older versions of Form 479s, signed and dated before December 30th, will presumably not have to be resubmitted; newly signed and submitted Form 479s must use the new version.

Form 486: As with the Form 479, the new version of the Form 486 differs from the preceding version primarily as the result of minor clarifications in the CIPA certifications. Paper submissions of the older version of the Form 486, postmarked on or after December 30th will presumably be rejected by USAC and will have to be refiled. This might be particularly problematic in the case of applicants trying to meet the additional 20-day submission deadline after receiving FCC Form 486 Urgent reminder Letters.
Form 500:

The earlier “April 2007” version of the Form 500 was used to cancel or reduce funding for selected FRNs, change service start dates, or notify USAC of contract extensions. The new “December 2013” version retains those functions but adds the following two functions (both of which previously required special letters):

  • Requesting extensions of the deadline for the delivery and installation of non-recurring services; and
  • Notifying USAC of E-rate purchased equipment transfers from closed entities to other eligible entities within three years of the date of purchase.