Form 470 Simplified Drop-Down Options:
SPIN Change and Service Substitution Requests in EPC:
As noted in last week’s USAC News Brief, referenced below, requests for SPIN changes and service substitutions can now be filed through EPC for both FY 2016 and FY 2017. From the “Related Actions” menu on the applicant Landing Page, choose either of the following:
Note that there are two types of SPIN changes, namely:
- “Corrective” used to fix data entry errors, or company mergers or acquisitions, for situations in which the underlying service provider has not changed; or
- “Operational” required — and subject to more stringent restrictions — when a new service provider has actually changed.
A service substitution requires product/service description(s) and cost(s) down to the FRN line item level equivalent to the detail provided in the initial application so as to show the new “To” service as compared with the original “From” service (automatically generated within EPC). The service substitution process also permits applicants to provide an “Optional Narrative” text and to upload “Optional Supporting Documentation.”
SPIN changes and service substitutions recognized before their associated FY 2017 applications have been approved can be handled more easily by submitting RAL corrections and/or by working with PIA reviewers.
Consortium Form 479 for FY 2018:
USAC has confirmed that the Form 479, used by consortia to certify the CIPA status of their members, will remain a paper form for FY 2018. It is neither required in nor available through EPC. Consortium applicants collecting member LOAs for FY 2018 may want to collect Form 479s at the same time. Please remember that paper Form 479s are not submitted to USAC, but are to be retained by the consortia.
A “type-in” version of the Form 479 is available on the E-Rate Central website.