Earlier this year, we encouraged all our readers to participate in an annual E-rate survey conducted by Funds For Learning (see our newsletter of April 19th). Now in their eleventh year, these surveys have become an increasingly important source of information for Congress, the FCC, and USAC to help them evaluate the E-rate program. The results of this year’s survey were released to the FCC last week (see FFL’s ex parte filing dated November 3rd).
The 2021 survey looks both backwards and forwards. Requests for FY 2021 E-rate funding, for example, are shown in the chart below.

Over 95% of the applicants surveyed reported that E-rate had permitted them to serve more students and patrons at higher broadband speeds, with almost 90% of them indicating that they plan to increase their requests for Category 1 services within the next three years. A significant majority also plan to submit Category 2 applications in FY 2022.
Most importantly, thinking about the future of E-rate, respondents focused on both existing services and critical, currently unsupported, services such as network security and fail safe (i.e., dual path) internet services.