USAC’s Schools and Libraries News Brief of January 27, 2017, provides additional information on USAC’s ongoing process for updating applicant entity profiles. It also discusses new procedures for submitting FRN changes for FY 2015 and earlier funding years.
Profile Updates in EPC, Part 3:
USAC continues to provide information about the process it has implemented to update applicant EPC entity profiles with data USAC validated during the FY 2016 PIA application review process. The complicating factor is that applicants may have already updated their own entity profiles with data that may be overwritten with these USAC updates.
The News Brief indicates that applicants affected, or potentially affected, by updated USAC entity data have been, or will be, notified by email, whether or not those applicants had updated their own entity profiles. The two alternative situations are being addressed differently.
- If the applicant had previously updated their entity data, USAC has presumably notified them that their changes would be overwritten unless the applicant requested USAC to refrain from doing so. The deadline for making that request — not broadly publicized outside of the individual applicant emails — was last Friday, January 26th.
- If the applicant had not previously updated their entity data, USAC indicates that it will notify the applicants by email that it was going to update their profiles. However, in the one instance we’ve seen of this action, notification was made via an EPC News feed, not an email.
Once USAC completes all its entity profile updates, we expect that USAC will publicly announce the completion of this step, and give applicants a specified time period (perhaps a month) to review and update their entity profiles prior to the opening of the FY 2017 application window. This will become a critical period for applicants to make changes to their profiles, presumably before the profiles are locked down during the application window.
USAC strongly encourages applicants not to make changes to their entity profiles while USAC completes its update process. Somewhat confusingly, however, the News Brief indicates that applicants wishing to make changes now can do so, not by modifying their EPC profiles, but by informing USAC of those changes via the EPC RAL modification process. What is noted — but by no means stressed in the News Brief — is that RAL changes can be made only for applications in the “Certified” status mode, i.e., in the 8% of all applications that are still pending. Once an application is funded, its status changes to “Committed” and RAL changes are no longer an option.
It is very important that applicants carefully follow USAC’s entity profile procedures over the next couple of months. Once the FY 2017 application window opens, opportunities to correct entity profiles will be limited.
Form 500 and Other FRN Changes for FY 2015 and Earlier:
When the new EPC version of the Form 500 was first announced in late December, it appeared that its use was constrained for FY 2016. As we indicated in our newsletter of January 2nd, however, EPC apparently supported a workaround permitting applicants to upload a copy of the earlier paper Form 500 for earlier funding years. The problem, as it turned out, is that OMB approval of the earlier Form 500, designated “December 2013,” expired at the end of 2016. For the past several weeks, there has been no official way to file a Form 500 for earlier FRNs.
That problem has now been solved. USAC has posted a new paper version of the Form 500, designated “December 2016,” that can be completed offline, scanned, and uploaded to USAC through EPC. The News Brief describes the upload process, paralleling the workaround steps described in our earlier newsletter. A type-in version of the new Form 500 is available on E-Rate Central’s website.
Last week’s News Brief also discusses the process for submitting SPIN changes and service substitutions — two types of FRN changes not covered by the Form 500 — through the EPC Customer Service mechanism. The process will work for FRNs already committed for FY 2016 and for FY 2015 or earlier.
When submitting a service substitution case, use:
For SPIN changes, the Topic remains the same, but the Subtopic (not surprisingly) is “SPIN Change Questions.”