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September 11, 2023


The E-Rate Central News for the Week is prepared by E-Rate Central. E-Rate Central specializes in providing consulting, compliance, and forms processing services to E-rate applicants. To learn more about our services, please contact us by phone (516-801-7804), fax (516-801-7810), or through our Contact Us web form. Additional E-rate information is located on the E-Rate Central website.

E-Rate for FY 2023:

USAC issued Wave 20 for FY 2023 on Thursday, September 7th, for $5.29 million.  Total funding is now $2.14 billion.  At this point, USAC has funded 93.1% of the originally submitted applications representing 73.7% of the dollars requested.

ECF for 2021-2023:

Wave 33 for Window 3 was issued on Wednesday, September 6th, for $22.2 million.  Total commitments for all three ECF windows are now at $6.40 billion.

Upcoming Dates:

September 25     Due date for comments on the FCC’s Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking portion of (FCC 23-56) regarding additional rule changes to simplify E-rate (see the second half of the article in our newsletter of July 3rd).  Reply comments are due October 23rd.
September 25 Due date for comments on the FCC’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FCC 23-65) on cybersecurity labeling for internet devices (see our newsletter of August 14th).
October 2 Last day to receive service or to submit a Service Delivery Deadline request for FY 2022 non-recurring services.  (Note: September 30th, the normal Service Delivery Deadline, falls on a Saturday this year.)
October 13 USAC’s one-day E-rate in-person training in Washington, DC.  Limited space was fully subscribed as soon as the training was announced but training material should become publicly available shortly before the training date.
October 24 Nominations are due for six positions, including one school representative, on the USAC Board of Directors (see DA 23-753).
October 30 E-rate invoice deadline for FY 2022 recurring services.  (Note: October 28th, the normal invoice deadline, falls on a Saturday this year.)
October 30 ECF invoice deadline for most Window 1 and Window 2 committed FRNs with service delivery deadlines of June 30, 2023.  For details on other upcoming invoice deadlines, see USAC’s Emergency Connectivity Fund Invoice Deadline Tool.
October 30 The first Form 486 deadline for FY 2023, for FCDLs issued on or before July 1st (i.e., Waves 1-9).

Senate Approves Anna Gomez as Fifth FCC Commissioner:

Last Thursday, the U.S. Senate formerly confirmed the appointment of Anna Gomez as the fifth FCC Commissioner, a position that had been open for two years.  Ms. Gomez is a telecommunications attorney who had previously worked at the FCC, had served in private practice, and is currently a communication policy advisor at the U.S. State Department.   Her confirmation will break the 2-2 Democratic/Republican deadlock that had held up certain FCC actions including, perhaps, the approval of Chairwoman Rosenworcel’s  “Learning Without Limits” proposals to make WiFi on school buses and the loan of hotspots eligible for E-rate and to initiate a $200 million cybersecurity pilot program for schools and libraries outside of E-rate (see our newsletter of July 17th).