Upcoming Dates:
May 24 |
Form 486 deadline for FY 2023 Wave 40. More generally, the Form 486 deadline is 120 days from the FCDL date or from the service start date (typically July 1st), whichever is later. Upcoming Form 486 deadlines are:
Wave 41 05/31/2024
Wave 42 06/07/2024
Wave 43 06/14/2024
The first Form 486 deadline for FY 2024, for applicants funded on or before July 1st, will be October 29th. Applicants filing before July 1st should check the early filing certification box (see our newsletter of April 29th). |
May 28 |
Extended invoice deadline for FY 2022 non-recurring service FRNs. |
June 6 |
FCC open meeting for June at which the Commission will vote on rules to govern the three-year, $200 million, cybersecurity pilot program (see article above). The FCC will also consider a proposal to require reporting on internet gateway protocol (see article below). |
June 30 |
Last day to receive FY 2023 recurring services. |
June 30 |
Last day to light fiber (or request an extension) for special construction projects from FY 2023. |
June 30 |
Last day to receive ECF Window 3 services; all equipment must be received by this date. |
August 29 |
Invoice deadline for ECF Window 3 applications. |
FCC Formalizes Full E-Rate Funding for FY 2024:
In what is little more than a belated formality, the FCC directed (DA 24-457) USAC to fully fund all eligible Category 1 and Category 2 requests for FY 2024. The FCC noted that USAC had already estimated the demand for funding, based on initial “In Window” applications, of $3.24 billion against an inflation-adjusted cap of $4.94 billion. Even accounting for an estimated $96 million in additional funding requested in “Out Of Window” applications, submitted within the two-week grace period for which the FCC has traditionally granted waivers (and which it has already begun to do this year), available funding for this coming year clearly exceeds demand.
Proposed Internet Routing Security Reporting:
FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel has proposed requiring the nine largest broadband providers to file confidential reports on Border Gateway Protocol (“BGP”) security so the FCC and its national security partners can collect more up-to-date information about this critical internet routing intersection. BGP is the technology used for routing information through the physical and digital infrastructure of the internet. The quarterly reports would allow the Commission to measure progress in the implementation of Resource Public Key Infrastructure (“RPKI”). RPKI is a security framework that helps Tier 1 network owners secure and validate routing between public internet networks to make sure internet traffic is going where it should through major junctions.
The proposal, which will be discussed in the FCC’s next open meeting on June 6th, is not being promoted as a cybersecurity measure, but tracking BGP implementation is one small step that the FCC can take to help assure that internet traffic is going to and from legitimate locations.
SPAC Status Update:
As we pointed out in last week’s newsletter, USAC’s Service Provider Download Tool, that many applicants have traditionally found to be the simplest online tool to determine whether their service providers are up-to-date in filing their Form 473s, Service Provider Annual Certifications (“SPACs”), is apparently no longer being updated for FY 2024 SPAC filings. This is important to applicants because USAC will not pay invoices — BEARs or SPIs — unless their service providers have filed SPACs for the associated funding years.
Over the past week, we have confirmed that FY 2024 SPAC information is being updated, not only in Open Date as discussed last week, but in two other USAC information sources. The following is a brief description of how to use those two tools. In these examples, the service provider has filed its FY 2024 SPAC.
First, to review the problem, here’s what USAC’s Service Provider Download Tool shows for this supplier listing only SPAC filings for 2016-2023, but not 2024.

The first alternative is to use USAC’s E-Rate FRN Status Tool FY2016+. When you filter for the FY 2024 funding year and the service provider’s SPIN, the resulting display shows “YES” in the SPAC column. Each row with a “Yes,” in this case, is for a separate FY 2024 FRN. This data replicates the Open Data set we discussed last week. Note that the SPAC column is not immediately displayed but can be reached using the horizontal scrollbar.
The second approach is to sign into EPC and search for the service provider’s administrative profile record. The Organization Details will — like the Service Provider Download Tool once did — show the history of SPAC filings including, in this case, 2024.

Our hope is that USAC will resume updating the Service Provider Download Tool. But unless, and until, that happens, there are three other USAC tools with up-to-date SPAC information.