The Form 484 Part 1 window for the FCC’s Cybersecurity Pilot Program opened last Tuesday, September 17th. As discussed in our newsletter of August 26, the Form 484 Part 1 will serve as an initial screening mechanism for participation in the Pilot. We expect only a subset of the applicants submitting this first form to be selected by the FCC to participate in the Pilot itself. Those selected will then be able to file the remaining forms: (a) the Form 470 to initiate competitive bidding for Pilot equipment and services; (b) the Form 484 Part 2 to provide more detailed information on their Pilot plans; and (c), the Form 471 to apply for actual Pilot funding.
To access and file the Form 484 Part 1 (“Form 484-1”), applicants must log into the EPC portal. From the applicant’s main page, click on the “waffle” in the upper righthand corner and select “Cybersecurity Pilot Program.”
![How to access access and file the Form 484 Part 1](
This will bring up the welcome page for the new “CBR” portion of the EPC portal from which an applicant can initiate the Form 484-1 filing.
![Welcome page for the new CBR portion of the EPC portal](
The first part of the Form 484-1 begins with the “Basic Information” section. This section will have been already completed with information carried over from E-rate. A CBR form number will have already been assigned to the Form 484-1.
![A CBR form number will have already been assigned to the Form 484-1](
The first step in the Form 484-1 process is to complete the “Participant Selection” selection. This is different from the E-rate process in that a given billed entity — a school district or library system for example — may apply for all, or just a subset, of its members. The choice at this stage, therefore, is to “Add all entities” or just “Add specific entities.” This option may be particularly relevant for consortia who may be applying on behalf of only some of its members. In such a case, participating consortium members must remember that they cannot also apply separately for participation in the Pilot.
![The first step in the Form 484-1 process is to complete the “Participant Selection” selection.](
The remainder of the Form 484-1 deals with the proposed “Cybersecurity Plan” and is broken into six subsections beginning with series of questions on the “Proposed Plan.”
![The remainder of the Form 484-1 deals with the proposed “Cybersecurity Plan” and is broken into six subsections beginning with series of questions on the “Proposed Plan.”](
Many of the Plan fields involve simple checkoff boxes or pulldowns. Others, such as the “Executive Summary” shown above, require more extensive responses. In the latter cases, text can be entered directly into the form (limited to 5,000 characters) and/or uploaded as a separate file.
To upload information, either to add to a text field or to provide other information, click on: (1) “Supporting Documentation;” (2) “Add Row;” and (3), “EDIT” to add a “Description,” pick a “Category” (email, file, or image), drag in the upload file.
![To upload information, either to add to a text field or to provide other information, click on: (1) “Supporting Documentation;” (2) “Add Row;” and (3), “EDIT” to add a “Description,” pick a “Category” (email, file, or image), drag in the upload file.](
Completing the Form 484-1 requires a great deal of information, some of which you may want to cross-reference with other fields. One of the more important fields that may require more discussion elsewhere is 5.4.a. on costs, as shown below.
![One of the more important fields that may require more discussion elsewhere is 5.4.a. on costs](
Our suggestion is to look through the entire form first rather than attempting to work through it sequentially as it is presented in EPC. A Blank Form 484 Part 1 has been posted on our website.