
Issued: 02/22/2013

Government regulators see 'non-compliance' among some Jewish schools but no fraud charges.

Issued: 02/19/2013

Service providers haul in millions in tech funds for schools and libraries, but some don't even have websites.

Issued: 02/15/2013

How does a community that rails against the Web pull in $30 million in one year for its schools from the E-rate program?

Issued: 02/12/2013

Washington, D.C. – Today the FCC announced that savings from its comprehensive reform of Lifeline are on track to reach at least an additional $400 million in 2013, adding to the more than $214 million saved in 2012 by cutting waste, fraud, and abuse.

Issued: 02/05/2013

U.S. Representative George Miller (CA) today introduced "The Transforming Education Through Technology Act" (H.R. 521) to help ensure the nation's elementary and secondary schools have access to the technology infrastructure, applications and professional support needed for digital learning and online assessment. Congressman Miller is Ranking Democrat on the U.S. House Education & the Workforce Committee, coauthor of the No Child Left Behind Act, and was recently recognized for his leadership in education technology.

Issued: 02/05/2013

Internet Cafes Get Cash. But What Makes Them Libraries? Down a gritty dead-end alley in ultra-Orthodox Brooklyn, past a loading dock and a couple of dumpsters, a set of stairs leads up to a small room with bare walls and a dozen computers.

Issued: 02/03/2013

The federal government wants to create super WiFi networks across the nation, so powerful and broad in reach that consumers could use them to make calls or surf the Internet without paying a cellphone bill every month.

Issued: 01/29/2013

Joshua sometimes does his homework at a McDonald's restaurant—not because he is drawn by the burgers, but because the fast-food chain is one of the few places in this southern Alabama city of 4,000 where he can get online access free once the public library closes.

Issued: 09/27/2012

Background: The E-rate program provides eligible schools and libraries discounts for eligible services and products. Consistent with prior years, in each category the ESL first lists the services and products that are eligible for funding, and then lists the services and products that are not eligible for funding. Under the E-rate program, Erate funds are allocated according to rules of priority, with first priority given to requests for telecommunications services, telecommunications, and Internet access services; these services are listed in the "Priority One" section of the ESL. The remaining available funds are allocated to requests for support for internal connections and basic maintenance of internal connections; these services are listed in the "Priority Two" section of this ESL. There is also a Miscellaneous section, and at the end of this ESL, a Special Eligibility Conditions section and a Glossary, providing additional information and definitions for many of the terms used herein.

Issued: 09/27/2012

In this order, we release the eligible services list (ESL) for funding year 2013 for the schools and libraries universal service support program (more commonly referred to as the E-rate program)1 and authorize the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) to open the annual application filing window no earlier than November 26, 2012.2 We revise the ESL for funding year 2013 by consolidating all Priority One services into a single list to reduce regulatory and administrative burdens on applicants. We also make some other minor modifications to the ESL.

Issued: 09/24/2012

Reply Comments Regarding Petition for Clarification Pertaining to the Eligibility of Free VoIP Handsets and Other End-user Equipment

Issued: 09/13/2012

Pursuant to section 54.703(c) of the Commission’s rules, the Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) seeks nominations for the following board member positions on the Board of Directors of the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC). The positions are currently vacant or will soon become vacant.

Issued: 09/08/2012

SECA Petition Seeking Clarification Regarding the Eligibility of Bundled End User Equipment under the Schools and Libraries Program DA 12-1325 and CC Docket No. 02-6

Issued: 08/01/2012

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the USAC Board have reviewed and approved USAC's proposed funding thresholds for FY2012 and FY2011 Priority 2 (Internal Connections and Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections) funding requests. The FCC and the USAC Board have approved USAC to take the following actions:

Issued: 07/27/2012

PETITION FOR CLARIFICATION PERTAINING TO THE ELIGIBILITY OF FREE VoIP HANDSETS AND OTHER END-USER EQUIPMENT The State E-Rate Coordinators’ Alliance (SECA) respectfully seeks clarification of the extent to which E-rate rules permit service providers to bundle ineligible end-user devices with E-rate eligible services and still have the underlying Priority 1 service be 100% E-rate eligible.

Issued: 07/18/2012

Pursuant to section 54.709(a)(3) of the Commission’s rules,1 on April 26, 2012, the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) submitted projections of demand and Administrative expenses for the federal Universal Service Fund for the third quarter of 2012. According to USAC's projections, $400 million in unused funds from funding years 2003-2010 is available to carry forward to increase disbursements to schools and libraries via the E-rate program, more formally known as the schools and libraries universal service program.3 In addition, while preparing projections of demand and administrative expenses for the federal Universal Service Fund for the fourth quarter of 2012, USAC identified another $650 million available to be carried forward, for a total of $1.050 billion in funding available for funding year 2012.4 Section 54.507(a)(3) of the Commission’s rules states that "[a]ll funds collected that are unused shall be carried forward into subsequent funding years for use in the [E-rate program] in accordance with the public interest and notwithstanding the annual cap."

Issued: 07/12/2012

The State E-Rate Coordinators' Alliance (SECA) submits these Comments in response to the FCC's Public Notice released July 5, 2012 (designated DA 12-1052) seeking comment on USAC's proposed Eligible Services List ("ESL") for Funding Year 2013.

Issued: 07/05/2012

The E-rate program provides eligible schools and libraries discounts for eligible services and products. Consistent with prior years, in each category the ESL first lists the services and products that are eligible for funding, and then lists the services and products that are not eligible for funding. This ESL consolidates all the existing eligible Priority One services grouped into three functional categories: communications connectivity, voice services, and other designated or related services.

Issued: 06/29/2012

Administrator FY 2011 Funding Denials for Untimely Filed Item 21 Attachments CC Docket No. 02-6

Issued: 06/28/2012

Washington, D.C. – The Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) will release a record wave of funding commitment decision letters (FCDLs) to Funding Year 2012 (FY 2012) school and library applicants on July 10, 2012. USAC will send over 23,800 letters committing $646 million in universal service support. The FCDLs will notify applicants of funding commitments for Priority One services (telecommunications and Internet access) for all discount bands from 20% to 90%.