The following is an excerpt from the portion of the SLD web site that addresses Letters of Agency. We recommend that you view the entire SLD guidelines concerning Letters of Agency for specific requirements and additional guidance (see SLD Guidelines).
"The authorized person on the Form 471 — the person whose signature appears in the Form 471 Item 34 — certifies that he or she is the person authorized to submit and certify to the accuracy of the application. This person must be authorized to represent any and all of the entities for which discounts are sought in the funding requests featured on the application. During its review of the Form 471, the SLD may require copies of the documentation that confirms this person’s authorization to represent all of the entities featured on the Form 471."
"The evidence that establishes this authorization — and therefore, that establishes the relationship between the authorized person and the entities featured on the form — is generally a Letter of Agency (LOA). A Letter of Agency (LOA) is most commonly signed by consortium members and kept on file by their consortium leader to verify their knowledge of their membership and participation in the consortium. Other vehicles to establish this authorization could be a project agreement, a contract, a letter agreement, or other similar document."