
Issued: 09/28/2004

The FCC has determined that the public interest will be served if it delays enforcement of the recently adopted Red Light Rule from October 1, 2004 to November 1, 2004.

Issued: 09/18/2004

The following comments are submitted in response to the Proposed Fourth Quarter 2004 Universal Service Contribution Factor (DA 04-2976) released by the Wireline Competition Bureau (“Bureau”) on September 16, 2004.

Issued: 09/15/2004

Sign up for school lunch and a win a trip to Hawaii? That's what the Department of Education is dangling in front of parents in exchange for getting their lunch forms in promptly.

Issued: 08/19/2004

USAC has been directed by the FCC to move to government accounting standards by October 1, 2004, and this has raised potential budget authority issues that may impact USAC.

Issued: 08/13/2004

By the Commission: Chairman Powell, and Commissioners Abernathy, Copps, and Adelstein issuing separate statements; Commissioner Martin approving in part, dissenting in part, and issuing a statement.

Issued: 08/13/2004

To promote greater transparency to what is eligible for support under the schools and libraries support mechanism, on December 23, 2003 the Commission adopted a rule which formalizes the process for updating the eligible services list, beginning with Funding Year 2005.

Issued: 06/18/2004

The federal government is demanding the return of $5.7 million in grant money that Kentucky school districts already have spent on computer equipment.

Issued: 06/17/2004

How remote is the little Arizona town of Whiteriver? As locals like to say, its 35 miles from a Circle K. Smack in the middle of the White Mountain Apache Indian Reservation, more than four hours from any major city, Whiteriver is pretty isolated. But the local schools are as wired as they come, thanks to generous federal grants that knocked 90 percent off the price of hardware.

Issued: 06/09/2004

Washington, DC, Jun. 9 (UPI) -- The U.S. E-Rate program to connect schools to the Internet is riddled with waste, mismanagement and fraud, USA Today reported Wednesday.

Issued: 06/08/2004

WASHINGTON-A Federal Communications Commission official today defended a $2.5 billion government program that subsidizes Internet connections for schools and libraries, but conceded there is room for improvement.

Issued: 06/08/2004

BAYAMON, Puerto Rico - In a far corner of a long, cement-block warehouse near San Juan, row upon row of new Internet gear sits in shrink-wrapped purgatory.

Issued: 06/04/2004

Waste, Fraud, and Abuse Concerns in the Wiring of Our Nations Schools to the Internet, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations - June 9, 2004

Issued: 05/27/2004

For any contract mentioned on a Funding Year (FY) 2004 application and funding request or pending FY 2003 application and funding request, where the contract includes maintenance that is more than “basic” in nature, the FCC permits applicants 90 days from the effective date of the Third Report and Order [FCC 03-323] …

Issued: 05/27/2004

WASHINGTON, D.C. - NEC-Business Network Solutions Inc., a subsidiary of NEC America Inc., has agreed to plead guilty and to pay a total $20.6 million criminal fine, civil settlement and restitution today relating to charges of collusion and wire fraud in the Federal Communication Commission’s E-Rate program, the United States Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of California and the Department of Justice’s Antitrust and Civil Divisions announced.

Issued: 05/27/2004

Manufacturers can now enroll in SLD's Eligible Products Database pilot program. Manufacturers who have completed the enrollment process will soon be able to start uploading data to the pilot program. We expect this upload function to be available no later than July 1, 2004.

Issued: 05/27/2004

In what appears to be shaping up as another black eye for the eRate, the chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives committee investigating instances of program waste, fraud, and abuse says he will ask the Atlanta school system to turn over documents explaining how it spent--and allegedly mismanaged--$73 million on building what is described as a lavish computer network.

Issued: 05/01/2004

Thank you for the recent article on eRate underutilization (eRate funds go begging, April 2004). The one factor you left out when explaining this turn of events is the mind-boggling learning curve needed to apply for funds. After performing this function for our library for one funding cycle (I was the third person in one year on which this task was dumped), I told the library board that next year I would pay out of my own pocket rather than go through the process again.

Issued: 05/01/2004

As the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) prepares to make key changes to the eRate--such as increasing the minimum amount the neediest applicants are required to contribute, and possibly eliminating the Form 470 used to seek competitive bids--stakeholders in the $2.25 billion-a-year federal program remain sharply divided as to what these changes should entail.

Issued: 05/01/2004

Traveling on assignment through Americas heartland not long ago, we were in search of a suitable restaurant where we could catch up with a few colleagues and friends. We were perusing one of those online dining guides that features assessments by actual customers.