
Issued: 02/17/2004

If Cori Capik forgets to jot down a math assignment, she no longer squanders an evening by calling classmates who might also be clueless. With a few clicks of her laptop mouse, the eighth grader at Miamis Palmer Trinity School can easily track down that homework assignment - or any other one she might have missed. And while she's at it, she can peek at her current grades, check the date of her next science quiz, or download the middle-school dance schedule.

Issued: 02/05/2004

In Pennsylvania, many of the states school districts must pay a premium for high-speed telecommunications service because of their location. The lack of affordable access to this technology prevents many schools from using educational materials that are available electronically to other schools using broadband telecommunications.

Issued: 01/26/2004

The Schools and Libraries Committee of the Universal Service Administrative Company January 26 recommended that an additional $1.687 million be budgeted in 2004 for additional resources for the review of E-rate program invoices.

Issued: 01/22/2004

A number of schools have been required to repay some E-rate discounts they received because they were not in compliance with the requirements of the Childrens Internet Protection Act by the date they were supposed to be.

Issued: 01/20/2004

Federal Communications Commission Chairman Michael K. Powell announced today that he has appointed Lisa M. Zaina as Chief Executive Officer of the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC). Zaina currently serves as senior legal advisor to FCC Commissioner Jonathan Adelstein.

Issued: 01/15/2004

WASHINGTON, Jan 15 (Reuters) - U.S. congressional investigators on Thursday asked for details about $5 million worth of telecommunications equipment that SBC Communications Inc. bought for Chicago public schools with government subsidies, but was sitting in warehouses unused.

Issued: 01/06/2004

The leader of a startup technology company and a former Harrisburg, Pa., School District official were charged last month with participating in a nearly $2 million kickback scheme in connection with a federally funded technology contract for the district, authorities say.

Issued: 01/05/2004

As state and local education leaders await word from Washington, D.C., on how much money the federal government will spend on education in 2004, a new survey from the State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA) paints a troubling picture of school technology funding at the state level.

Issued: 01/05/2004

Charles Davidson, a self-proclaimed gadget freak in Tallahassee, Fla., began using Internet-based telephone service last week. He can call anyone - not just the other 100,000 pioneers around the nation using such service, but any of the millions of people who use conventional telephones, like his parents in Elizabethton, Tenn. But Mr. Davidson is more than an adventuresome consumer.

Issued: 01/05/2004

Cameras record every minute of Beverly Pearsons day as a high school English teacher. When she strides to the blackboard, a lens swivels to track her movements. A microphone captures each word.

Issued: 12/23/2003

In this Third Report and Order and Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, we address several matters related to the administration of the schools and libraries universal service mechanism (also known as the e-rate program).

Issued: 12/17/2003

Commissioner Adelstein Statement

Issued: 12/17/2003

WASHINGTON, Dec 17 (Reuters) - The Federal Communications Commission on Wednesday said it would carry forward about $420 million in unused funds to provide Internet access and other telecommunications services to libraries and schools.

Issued: 12/17/2003

Commissioner Abernathy Statement

Issued: 12/09/2003

On December 8, the FCC issued an Order (FCC 03-313) that consolidates the review of appeals from eight FY2002 appellants who used a "Systems Integrator" approach in their Forms 470 and whose related funding requests were denied by the SLD. In this order, the FCC clarified important concepts for applicants and service providers.

Issued: 12/02/2003

In general, equipment that is located at the applicant site is considered for funding under the eligibility requirements for Internal Connections. However, if the on-premise equipment is an integral part of an end-to-end Priority 1 service (i.e., Telecommunications Services or Internet Access), recurring or non-recurring charges for that service may include the cost of on-premise equipment used by the provider to provide that Priority 1 service.

Issued: 09/17/2003

Today the Schools and Libraries Committee approved the opening and closing dates for the Funding Year 2004 Form 471 application filing window.

Issued: 08/25/2003

On August 15, 2003, NTIA released a report pursuant to section 1703 of the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA), Pub.L.No. 106-554, 114 Stat. 2763, 2763A-336 (2000), evaluating the effectiveness of technology protection measures and safety policies used by educational institutions.